Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Strict Corona Lockdown - Is it needed?

It’s been 8 to 9 months since the lockdown was enforced to us and now comes the second wave with another version of lockdown. I felt I need to pen down the pros and cons of such a controlling measures from a layman’s perspective. People in IT are lucky in this pandemic times to get their paychecks, pay their bills, and continue their life in an acceptable way. But its not too far way that fire will enter the house even there! How about for gastronomy, daily wage workers, hotels, airlines, culture and entertainment industry for their survival especially in developing and under developed nations?

The lockdown has definitely created lot of physiological imbalance in day to day life of numerous people around the world and it has taken a strain on the mental fitness even for people who are strong enough to face the various adversaries. What’s very hard to digest is kids cannot go to school in Asia and US and let me reiterate the fact kids were going to school even during the Second World War. Thanks to the Govt in Germany and Switzerland who made their decision for the schools to function after a break of 8 weeks in March, April. Thank god at least there is no panic news and scientific studies which says kids are dying with this virus. 

Next question which lingers in everybody’s mind will vaccine solve every problems. Is there a light at the end of the tunnel in 2021 and 2022? I doubt whether vaccine will eradicate Corona but it will remove the fear factor which has been instigated in the minds of people and it’s not far way that everybody needs a Corona vaccinated stamp in the passport like a school certificate. Hurry up Pfizer, BioNTech, Astra Zeneca, Moderna. Please finish all your deals with the government and start the punches. World needs it.

I strongly believe in Science and Statistics. I would like everyone to contemplate on the below numbers:

I am sure the numbers will be higher than Corona with people dying with cancer, heart attack and other ailments. I can totally understand the various demonstrations against these measures in various parts of the world. Critics can argue it’s mainly to stop the influx of patients in the hospital and all my friends who are doctors advised me not to come to hospital if you are infected unless and otherwise you are struggling to breathe and situation becomes worse.

I don’t want to sound philosophical because the numbers can be mere numbers in the news as long as it hits our own kith and kin and sincere condolences to all who lost their beloved ones in these tough times. Heartfelt thanks and salute to all the Covid warriors in the health sector and I haven’t contributed even 1% what you guys have done in these tough times.

This article is definitely not meant to propagate to everyone to break all the social distancing and go back to normal. Definitely not. Social distancing with acceptable day to day life, quarantining if infected, till the situation returns to normal. I strongly believe in my biology’s teacher remarks ‘Survival of the fittest’ and if we can’t survive in this world without vaccines and I think destiny is the answer. I hear the phrase from many people rather than dying at home let me die with Corona by doing something for my family! Let’s fight Corona but not stupidity. I am extremely sorry if I hurted the sentiments of anyone. Eagerly waiting for a better tomorrow in the history of mankind.

Prevention is better than cure !!


Sathish Kumar S

1 comment:

Jan Kluczinski said...

Well, I’m honestly more afraid of people’s stupidity than the virus. Is it really too much of an ask to wear a piece of fabric for some more months? Is it really not possible to pass on Thanksgiving and Christmas this year in order to have a normal one in 2021 ? At least three million people took a plane this year in the US for Thanksgiving travel. Seriously ?