Saturday, April 30, 2022

Mountain e-Bike, Gantrisch National Park

In a mountainous country like Switzerland, e-bike is getting so popular now a days. An electric bicycle (e-bike is a motorized bicycle with an integrated electric motor used to assist propulsion. Many kinds of e-bikes are available worldwide, but they generally fall into two broad categories: bikes that assist the rider's pedal-power (i.e. pedelecs) and bikes that add a throttle, integrating moped-style functionality. Both retain the ability to be pedaled by the rider and are therefore not electric motorcycles. E-bikes use rechargeable batteries and typically travel up to 25 to 32 km/h (16 to 20 mph). We had a chance to experience e-bike in the beautiful Gantrish area with my Skiing friend Stephan. It totally reduces the stress of climbing up the mountains with the great propulsion. It was indeed a great experience during the autumn of 2021.


Sathish Kumar S

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