Saturday, July 29, 2023

Neuschatel - 2022

It's always great to spend quality time in Neuschatel with Swetha’s family. It was a peak summer time near the lake Neuschatel. We rented a five seater bicycle, we roamed around the lake Neuschatel and we made a small picnic with awesome food prepared by Swetha. In October we had a chance to celebrate Diwali once again in Swetha’s house accompanied by Ratheesh family with lovely delicious dishes. There was a surprise party organized by Swetha for Venu’s 50th birthday and it was indeed a gala one for Venu. While we were on our way to Geneva, we stopped by Swetha’s house during the easter holidays and had a lovely lunch before we headed towards our road trip. Thanks to Swetha and Venu for all their hospitality in the last years and we always enjoy travelling to Neuschatel for the positive vibes.


Sathish Kumar S

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