Friday, November 08, 2019

Le Parc du Petit Prince, Ungersheim, France

”Le Parc du Petit Prince” is a small amusement park located in Ungersheim in France, around 30 minutes drive from Basel. It’s not as big as Europa park but definitely good park for the kids around 5 to 10 years old to hang out for a day. Anish thoroughly enjoyed this park and there are so many different attractions for the kid in this small park. The little train, Trampoline Park, The Ballon of the King, Underwater planet are some of the main attractions here.

Sathish Kumar S

Bernau im Schwarzwald

Bernau im Schwarzwald is located in a high valley in the southern Black Forest, south of Feldberg and west of the Schluchsee. It is around 1415 meters high and a great spot for Skiing. Nearly 100 kms of well-marked hiking trails open up the 900-meter high and eight kms long high valley for hikers. We had a chance to go to Schneeskulpturen (Snow Sculptures) festival in February in Bernau. It is an annual event and displays variety of sculptures ranging from small, medium to big ones. From the top, it gives a panoramic view of the entire Blackforest area and definitely a great picnic spot during winter.

Sathish Kumar S

Running in Switzerland

Running has been a great hobby for me in the recent times. Recently I finished Half Marathon in Luzern in around 2hr 41 minutes and it was indeed the best from all four half marathons. I practiced hard by running regularly in the gym and it paid rich dividends in the weight reduction and also to reduce the time in completing the half marathon. Anish also took part in Freiburg Fusilli run and he thoroughly enjoyed it.  Some of the runs, which we did in Switzerland.
1. Basel Bruggelauf 2018
2. Basel Stadtlauf 2018
3. B2Run 2018 and 2019
4. Freiburg Fusilli Run 2019
5. Luzern Half Marathon 2019

Sathish Kumar S

Feldschloesschen, Rheinfelden

Feldschloesschen brewery is one of the biggest brewery in Switzerland and was founded in 1876. We could see this marvel from our kitchen and it’s a masterpiece in Rheinfelden. There is an annual event ‘Tag der offenen tuer’ which allows the locals to visit this brewery and see the various processes, machineries of making a beer. There is also food festival party being conducted here annually where one can try out different cuisines from different countries. 

Sathish Kumar S

Football Club (FC) Rheinfelden

It was always my small dream that Anish has to be part of a Football club and I am glad he is part of FC Rheinfelden. It is so important now a days for the kids to do some sports and play outside and not just watching TV and playing games in the mobile. The training happens once in a week and there are some tournament with other clubs once in a month. It is a great exercise for Anish to do some movement and he started to enjoy it now. Thanks to FC Rheinfelden which takes lot of efforts for the kids to involve in football in the early stages. 

Sathish Kumar S