Thursday, November 21, 2013

Philly, DC, Baltimore

The capital of United States of America, Washington in District of Columbia named after the first U.S president. Washington doesn’t belong to any state and it’s a district on its own but not to forget there is a state in the west coast named Washington State. Many of my friends in United States recommended visiting this place in the east coast and all had a great opinion about this place. Honestly, this place didn’t disappoint me and it’s indeed one of the best places to visit in the east coast.
We decided to take a package tour to avoid the stress of riding the car for hours and finally it ended up as right decision in the end. The tour included Philadelphia, Washington D.C and Baltimore. Philadelphia is the capital of the state Pennsylvania and also the ex-capital of U.S.A. The weather stayed fantastic throughout the trip with blue skies and nice lovely sun shine. Independence Square, the liberty bell are some of the spots which are worth visiting in Philadelphia. The cruise ride on the Schuylkill river gave panoramic view of the city of Philadelphia. According to statistics, Philadelphia is not the greatest of place to live because of the high amount of crime rate.
The moment we arrive in Washington D.C, we see the white building which is visible in all corners. Everybody thinks this white building as White House where the U.S president lives but it’s actually not so. This white building is called Capitol and definitely one of the striking picturesque building in Washington D.C. The White house is a small building when compared to Capitol and sometimes you ask is this the building where US president lives. Lincoln memorial is an important monument one can visit in D.C.
Washington D.C cruise ride is a nice experience if weather permits. One could see the airport of Washington D.C. from the ship, the landing and taking of the flights is simply breathtaking view from the cruise. One gets a feeling that this city is well planned city with wide roads, buildings constructed in orderly manner and definitely a city to hang around during the weekend.The trip ended with the fort of Baltimore from where the natives defended Britishers. I never thought that British waged a war against US anytime. I could strongly recommend this package tour which was organized very well and it was way relaxing than driving a car from New Jersey. All in all it was a great trip to remember with minor challenges from Anish ;)
Sathish Kumar S

1 comment:

Krishna Ram Kuttuva Jeyaram said...

informative... even i was confused abt washington... btw, philadelphia means city of brotherlyhood ;-)