Friday, May 29, 2009

Rise of Indian Economy - Rotary Presentation in Hamburg

Probably in this financial situation through out the world, its not the right time to talk about any country's economy. Nevertheless, Tilo, Rotarian from Hamburg invited me to give a talk about Rise of Indian Economy. I already gave this presentation in another Rotary Club last year. ..So I was bit confident this time to make this presentation once again in German...Thanks to my colleague Jan who helped me to prepare and correct my slides...finally turned out to be a decent show before the elite sections of the German Society...highlighted statistical information about India's economy and optimistic figures for the next 20 years.. ;) It was a good chance for me to boast about my beloved country which I always do to the westerners ;) followed by a nice lunch in Hotel Atlantic... A day to remember...Danke Tilo nochmal!!

Sathish Kumar S


Krishna Ram Kuttuva Jeyaram said...

I am proud of you da.. you are very much attached to the country!

unstoppabledaren said...

iwant to advise in this site , let me if this is of interest .

My enail is :

Ritika said...

I strongly feel india still has market which cares only about price of the goods mainly in rural area, How to overcome the market compitation with reducing prise, mainly this reduced prise marketing happens from big producers. Are there any good future for small stores or small scale producers?