Wednesday, November 07, 2007


The festival which brings smile, joy, happiness for every Indian is none other than Diwali.....the festival which can never be matched with any other Indian festivals...I still remember my childhood days when I start counting the days in my calendar before one month for the grand day...getting up early morning, taking oil bath, wearing new clothes, bursting crackers in competition with neighbours ;) grand sweets prepared by mom and not to forget the special programmes where the heroines come with traditional sarees for their interviews...(god knows where those tradition goes when they dance in romantic song with heroes...heheheeee), get together with friends, going to cinema theatres, standing in a big queue to get the ticket for the newly released Deepavali movie...Oh Boy, I miss those moments....its third successive Diwali which I am missing and makes me feel really sad...I sometimes ask myself what life I am leading here....and my heart replied, "well, thats abroad life Sathish :( "

Sathish Kumar S

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I was just looking out for diwali celebrations at hamburg and found ur post. Good one..reflection of most indian feelings staying outside. I am new here in hamburg , may be next year we can arrange for some celebrations.....
