Saturday, November 29, 2008

War against Mumbai or against religion ?

Deep condolescence to all those people who lost their lives in the terrorist attacks in Mumbai, the financial capital of India. I am sure my piece of article will not bring any change in the situation what’s happening there but I felt, I should express my views on this particular incident which has happened in Mumbai. It’s solely my opinion and not to hurt anybody’s feelings and ideas.

Dating back to the days when Britishers tried to explore India, they always found one great weapon than the bombs and shooting guns, it was none other than “Divide and Rule”. They have adopted this policy exceedingly well in almost every corner of their colonial acquisition and succeeded to greater heights and it payed rich dividence to their master plan. It was between Hindus and Muslims in Indian sub-continent, Tamils and Sinhalese in Sri Lanka and the example goes in every corner of the world where they occupied. Even after they left these countries, they have plown the seeds in the early centuries which resulted in a situation which no body could have imagined for.

Ok, can we all blame the Britain for their cunning attitude? They have benefited out what they executed. We suffered it under their hands for many centuries and has the time not arrived to realize what has happened in the name of religion is all stupid and chaos. Well it was in the early stage in 1947 to realize that. But has the time not arrived after many decades to stay united and become stronger and stronger and make the western world which conquered us make jealous of our progress and developments. Well Dr. Abdul Kalam realized it, that’s why he visioned a rocket to moon and he succeeded it. If the politicians and the normal individuals from both India and Pakistan realized it, then both the countries shouldn’t be spending millions and millions of dollars for fighting in Siachen glacier in one of the world’s top most battle field, both the countries shouldn’t have suffered because of two great wars between them, to all the atrocities happening in the Kashmir valley, to all the communal violence which has happened in both the countries in the last decades in the name of religion.

Europe suffered severely and the Europeans have realized tolerance is the best way to maintain harmony with neighboring nations. Do we need yet another kind of third world war in Asia especially between India and Pakistan to come to a conclusion not to fight anymore? Religion is a way to lead a life. It can be in the form of any religion. No religion says to kill people to satiate their dreams. People getting so acrimonious, hatred in the name of religion and using religion and their god to kill people is totally unacceptable and barbaric. Has the terrorists succeeded in their attempts? Yes, they did atleast killing some 300 people and bringing international attention. What will be the reaction from the Indian Government and can we be sure that this attack will not happen anymore. Who’s the ultimate winner of this cold battle existing between the two oldest possible civilizations of the world? This is a never ending story unless and otherwise each and every individual realize what’s happening in the name of religion is stupid and non-sense. I really doubt whether such a situation is feasible in the foreseeable years in the Indian sub-continent. By that time, I could feel real catastrophe on the cards. It’s a pity. Well everything happening in this world is all destined :(

Sathish kumar S


manjunath reddy t said...

Hi Sathish, I agree with your views and also feel to do something which can stop this fight in the name of the religion.

Anonymous said...

Hi sathish anna..........i agree ur

thoughts........Everybody is ready

to speak truth, but they afraid when

the truth is let out..........

Mithun Sridharan said...

The arguments are based solely on religion. However, its just the tip of the iceberg. There has hardly been any action taken after the shoot out in 2001. So, it cannot be simply based on religious grounds. There are ulterior motives to this, which haven't been addressed. Furthermore, after the 2001 attack, no security improvements were undertaken. Who is to blame for this?

Anonymous said...

As you said, the impact of british's divide and rule policy is still there...even now some people are divided on various reasons of disparity - language,religion,caste...finding some one or other reason to establish superiority or acquire benefaction or demand endowment. People blame politicians - demanding replacement of ministers, CM, police army, navy.... but thats just finding a scapegoat. Considering the root causes - intolerance, separatism, greed, lassitude..the most important replacement is 'we' - the common man.